Soccer is such a fun sport. Most people don’t like it because of all the running and the kicking, and other reasons why. BUT I LOVE IT!!!! If I had a choice between make chocolate chip cookies or to play soccer, it would defiantly be soccer. Soccer is my life.
There are many parts that you can play when you do soccer. There is goalie, midfielder, defense, offense (forward), stopper, and sweeper. I play defense. I find this the most challenging part of the sport besides midfield because you have to get the ball away from the other play which is running straight at you and also when your team loses the ball it is mostly up to the defense to recover it. But the other parts of the sports are important too.
Forward is in charge to control the ball and to get a goal. The goalie is mostly simple; they have to try not to let any goals into the goal, and also to command the team around. Stopper and sweeper are the last two defenders on the field before the goalie. Midfielders are when you run back and forth on the field and support all of the other players.
Even though I Love the sport, there is some negatives. You have to stay fit 247 so you can be faster than the other team, you are up against girls sometimes twice your size, you might get hit with the ball in the face (that happens always to my friend Mags on the team), and also you can’t quit once the game is started, you have to give it all you got. But even with all these negatives, I love the rush of the game, and also being brilliant during the game when the giants lose the ball.
Soccer is a sport that will stick with me throughout my life. All my family members does this sport (besides my mom, she drives us around). Also when I go to Germany to see my relatives, one of the first things we do is to play soccer. My family team is called Team USA; my relative’s team is called Team Germany. Also my family once verses a group of college soccer players with a few Chinese kids, we won. I f you don’t play this sport, try it out, you’ll maybe like it. If you don’t like it, too bad, you have to play it.