Over the break was okay at my house, but I had better Christmas’s. I hope that you had a great break. There was so many things that has happen I don’t know where to start.
The first thing that happened over the break is that our garage door brooks down and we had to get a new one. And then my sisters and I had to clean the basement because this year we were hosting the Christmas party. Then the party came and we didn’t had a break to relax and to enjoy the party, and I had to keep my dog Ginger out of trouble because my 4 and 2 year old cousins were scared of her, but she didn’t mean to harm them she was just getting use to the people.
After the Christmas party the laundry washer brook down and the repair guy had to come and fix it. Then it was Christmas!!! I just love Christmas, just how we celebrate each year but last year we went to Rome and Germany to visit my dad side of the family, good thing I took German this year or I wouldn’t get one thing they are saying. Anyway, I woke up by six thirty and I and my sisters played board games till eight when my parents woke up and our grandma came over to celebrate with us.
This year was different because the windows was linking because of the big rain storm going outside and got almost all of our presents wet, image that. And after that we surprise my grandma by going to house with all of our other relatives to celebrate the second Christmas. We played with Jennie’s new game “last word” and ate ham sandwiches and had a cookie contest that my mom won. But I thought my cousin Lisa should of win but I was fine with that.
At the end of our Christmas we all caught a mild case of the H1N1. But Jennie didn’t catch it but she did have a stomach aegh. And at the end of break the dishwasher brook but we really didn’t mind it at all. And at the very end my mom, Lauren (my older sister), and I went to the DIA for the Avedon event to do for my cultural event for school. And also we made a snowman, but is demented because it has yellow Sponge Bob golf ball eyes. So it just an okay break.
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