As this Wednesday passed by, also so did the beginning of Lent also passed by. Each year for lent I try to do something challenging. For the past three years or so I gave up junk food. I was thinking maybe something easier like no gum or candy but this year I gave up all junk food except chocolate.
This is my first year of being confirmed during lent and as I must say it is a blast. Even though I like going to my christen school it better for some odd reason to stay home and enjoy the holiday. When I went to my Christian school we learn that lent is when Jesus walks across the desert for forty days and forty night s without food and water. And also it is when he died on the cross and then risen from the died.
Lent is okay in my family and we go to church once out of the blue during this season. One thing I hate about this season is that each Friday we Christians can’t have meat. Usually I am okay with not having meat, I eat the most less meat in my family. It is just we have fish instead. And ask my family I rather eat pork or ribs than eat fish.
They’re a lot of good things that can come out of lent. One thing is that Jesus has risen from the died. And there is the Easter bunny and Easter eggs to look out for in the morning. And after forty days without junk food it feels great to start eating it, especially with all the candy from Easter. And I also feel like lent is a time of giving to god to show him as much we love him and we do this every year to show him this.
With my fourteen years of life. I have a lot of memories of Easter. Like a few years ago the was a new blanket of snow on the ground the day before Easter so my sisters and I sisters shoveled up a huge Easter bunny out of the snow. And last year with my almost perfect Easter, but I don’t want to get to much detail with that one. And then when I was six or something I thought I saw the Easter bunny outside my backyard window but nobody believed me.
Have a great lent season!!!
Julie, you seem to know alot about Lent! I also wrote a blog about this, but mine wasn't so informative.
ReplyDeleteI like that you gave me so much information on Lent. I also celebrate lent, but I’m not Catholic, so it’s a little different.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like Lent is really important to you. I tried giving up all junk food one year and it didn’t work out too well. Good luck with your Lenten promise.