SIMUN… what a fun activate. I remember my older sister talking to me about, but the experience was more fun than what she said to me!!!!! She told me that it is hard work but it pays off inside this game, she said that SIMUN is like a very entertaining and also funny. But I think it did so much more than that. I think that I want to play this game for two weeks! I am so PUMP about it. I like how you can met other globies, and also how we learn more on what is going on in the world and make a fake recommendation to solve it. Even if it doesn’t or won’t even happens. I also like the debate. It is like a war sometimes between two, or three countries, and other times it is just boring.
I think that I did okay during SIMUN. The first day I did try to get involved, and I did gave a few speak once or twice on the speaker list, and ask a few questions. The second say I was on fire!!!! Just ask Kelly, Melisa, or John. FIRE!!! China took one of my people and I was asking her questions why her country did that, even though China didn’t have the right to do that. Then I discovered she was torturing that person. She was in big trouble. On the third day I should have been better, I only ask questions (about 5). France (my country) was not in any of the situations. But all in all… I think I did great!!! (And so did the other delegates.).
If the new freshmen globies wants tips, or my other classmates, I would say look more research than you were assign. Seeing who’s your number one trading company/country, just in case if a problem came up if two of your allies are in a fight. That is one of the top reasons why I thought that I was so active in SIMUN. And also that I ask my friends and also delegate party to see what it was about, or to get deeper inside this situation.
If I had more time to prepare…. I would spend more time finding information on the situation. I did not spend as much time trying to finding the information and also I didn’t get what the situation is about. And also to find out information about the other countries so then you can destroy them(or beat them up till you feel strongly that you made them feel bad and that they need to do more research). Also I would write small speeches or statements so I could get involved more often. I am planning to do this for next year.
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