Edward uses his big fish stories to teach Will lessons.
The first evidence to show how Edward used his stories to teach Will lessons is that his stories had a common message. One of these lessons that Edward taught Will through his stories was the value of hard work. When Edward saw his wife, he had to get a job at the circus for three years to find out who she was. Another example of how Edward’s stories showed the value of hard work was when Edward was catching the big fish. A fish ate his wedding ring and he spent many days out fishing for that one specific fish just so he could get her ring back. After Will heard these stories for all his life and also learns from them, he begins to tell some of these stories.
The second evidence that demonstrated Edward using stories to teach Will lessons is how he transmitted the value of storytelling to Will. You couldn’t see the
transition but you can tell when it happens. The timing was when Edward was about to die, he asked Will to tell him a story about how he dies, “You mean what you saw in the Eye? I dunno that story, dad, you never told it to me.” And Will told his father an amazing story saying that he turned into the big fish at the end and then Edward died. Another example of how Edward story telling transfers to Will is after he died. After Edwards’s death and funeral, the movie shows Will’s son talking about his grandfather’s death story. “A man tells so many stories, that he becomes the stories. They will live on after him, and in a way he becomes immortal.”
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