Though out the fall and some winter there was a great show called Glee. Last Wednesday was the last glee for the first season until the spring. The last two was my most favorite because it is glee and you can feel the heat of the actors.
The teacher found out that his wife wasn’t pregnant and it was freighting. I was holding my hands tight and curling into a little ball. He found out when he was looking for his cuffs for the school picture and the fake pregnant pouch that makes you look like you are pregnant but you really weren’t was in a drawer and he found it. Then he came running to his wife in a mad but hoping not confused face and kind of attacks her. He round her off to a corner and ask her to lift of her shirt. She said no so he lift it for her and it was true. After that he seems angry and wanted to hit her but he left her. That was the most exciting thing that happen on that episode, another one is when they do a comical for a mattress. They sing a song called jump and they jump on the mattress. And oh, the teacher got fired to the leader of teacher for glee.
The last glee was the best glee. The therapy teacher filled in for the sectionals and kicks back her wedding for two hours. There were two other teams in the running besides them. My favorite part is when they sing, they sing don’t rain on my parade, can’t always have what you want, and some other song that I forgot. They were going to sing don’t stop believing, rolling, and a song Mercedes was going to sing but the other groups stolen they because Sue gave them the list (the cheerios coach). At the end the other teams told them that they were sorry and they were going to tell the judges but it was too late. And also the therapy teacher wedding got cancel because she was in loved with the glee teacher.
And at the end the therapy teacher and the glee teacher got together and both agreed that they loved each other, glee won the sectionals, and they put in a special act for the glee teacher because he couldn’t make it. Also Finn got the truth from Quinn; she is pregnant with Puck, not himself.
For the first time in global Ed I got a glimpse of Simon. My sister says it was so much fun, and it is. If you work hard, study your person/country, and listen to their point of view this game will be easy, you also have to put in the time to do it because it takes a while. Simon is a game that you play politicians and you act out a problem that is or has happens and you try to solve it. And if we could do all the time in Global Ed. I might like coming to school.
I was the dear sister of Juvenal Habyarimana (who just got killed in a plane crash). My brother was president of Rwanda. He funded the radio station that warned the Hutus’ that the Tutsis was out to get them. He also made the MRND which turn their back on him. He died because when he was with a peace talk with Burundian president and the leader of RPF order the RPF to shot down the plane and they did.
I learned about some websites that I didn’t even know about is like BBC. I thought that there was only the New York Times and one and two other big news/stories tellers. And I also learned a lot about this genocide because I didn’t know anything before this. Like Rwanda is even a country, and about how the Hutu’s and the Tutsis hate each other very much. If we’re going to do this again in Mr. Fielder’s class I would like to do it.
In the game, I think the MRND, the RPF, Belgium, USA, and UN did the most talking because they had the most influential in it. Uganda, France, and another force that I forgot the named of was the middle because they did little parts of it. And Kagame and Habyarimana spook the shortest amount of times because Habyarimana was killed and the Kagame was… well… I don’t know really maybe because they were shy or had nothing to day about it.
I think my person had the most impact of it because we took over and he order to kill all those people and when he died it most have made the Hutus’ so mad that they went out and killed all those Tutsis, which I not mad at them at all because they were the one I think that started this genocide.
Emerson’s argument in “the American scholar” about society still hold true today.
One reason Emerson’s argument still holds true today is that man is only concern about making the most money. Inside the article it talks about how a man sticks to one talent for the rest of his life and doesn’t learn the rest of him. "a farmer only farm, and a teacher only teachs." Another reason is that it is the only way to survive. If you go the mall, or the groceries store, you need money to by clothing or food, which all humans need. We also need money to pay for our houses and the electric bill.
The second reason why that is a man doesn’t have enough education. In China, all of them focus on one thing like science, or math, and focus on that subject and get to know it really well, and then they hope that they could get a really good job. And in America you learn a little bit of everything, but never enough.My uncle didn’t go to college so he work for a auto company and last year his company closed, he didn’t have a job for almost a year, just last month he got one, but under the same subject.
I love Halloween!!! Even though I don’t have any good costumes I still love it!!! You get free candy, and I love candy. If there is one thing I love is candy. My mom and dad though don’t want me to eat any because they think it is too unhealthy to eat, even though they eat half of it.
Every Halloween to me is special to me. Last year I went to my friend’s house to go trick or treating and there was a crazy old lady at one of her houses. And each year my neighbors give my sisters and me something special. One gives us a bag of candy (the big kind), another gives us 30 bucks, and another gives us some cool stuff, like one year they give us some cool cups. I but last year’s my sisters told me that one house the trick or treat past everyone a bible. And I didn’t but I didn’t believe them but then they showed it to me it is crazy. But you better watch out in my neighborhood because there are people who will hurt you, but most of the time they stay at Hoover.
This year I am being a rainbow weather girl because my mother won’t give us money to buy us any new costumes, which I don’t know why because we barley buy any new costumes anyway. And my other sisters are being classic or just weird like mine. Kristen is being little red riding hood, Lauren is being a ghost, and jenny is being a frantic wife, which mean a old lady in a bathroom yelling at her husband(in this case us) to get or lazy butts moving. And this year one of my favorite’s cousins, Wendy is coming over to trick or treat with us, but I don’t know what she is going to be.
To night there are going to be a lot of activities in the Engels household. Lauren is going to a party; Jennie is maybe going with her Leen to going spook someone’s house, and I volunteering my time to help serve the fall festival at an elementary school. And Kristen is going to hang out with my mom. And this weekend I have homework in Mrs. Begeski class and Mr. fielders class so far. I am so tried right now so I hope that you will have a great weekend and have a spooky Halloween.
On Wednesday nights at 9 I love to watch glee! It helps unreel my stress level and I think it is brilliant and also so funny. If it is one show during the week that I will watch is glee.
If you don’t know what glee is it is about a club that can sing there heart out. Rachel and Finn is the main singer and Mercedes, Arty, Tina, and Kurt are the back ground singers. So far in the year the coach for the cheerios (they are really cheer leaders)is trying to shut down glee club and to do that she send in three of her highest cheer leaders, their names are star, Quinn and some other girl no one knows. Quinn is Finn girlfriend and she is pregnant with Noah. Which he and some other kids join other football kids join to spy on her and Finn so nothing gets to series. And while all of this is happening and to make it more exciting is that Rachel has eyes for Fin when he also do to.
And if you go to the grownups scene is that the director of glee club is thinking to leave his wife then she got pregnant so he doesn’t but on the first time she went to the doctor she realize she wasn’t pregnant but she doesn’t tell him. But when he was about to tell him she found out Quinn is pregnant so she ask Quinn if she could have her baby and she said yes.
In the last glee the coach was partner up with the director and it wasn’t pretty. Each day they have a really big fight about their way about to control glee. The ending up splitting up the glee in half. But the coach got the bigger half because they flip a quarter and she bought a two head quarter so she cheated but no one knew why. And at the end of that show both groups of glee said that they don’t want to do glee if they’re going to be this much fighting. And at the end of that she resigned of his assistant and went back to coaching her cheerios.
See how I love this show. Other people think it is okay but that is one show that I cannot miss. So the next Wednesday turn on the TV and watch the most awesome show ever!!!
For the year 2009-2010 President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. He won because “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people.” One example of this is between Iran and Iraq. His achievements compare to others are useless.
Obama is typically a good human being, and I’m sure others will agree with me. He is kind to kids and likes animals. He gave many brilliant and well thought out speeches, but thoughts are just words, not actions. The President is supposed to do more than speeches. And since he won the noble peace prize, he should more action to prove that he did earn that.
I just want to get to the point of this concept, I just felt like he did nothing to do with the prize peace. Since I start watching the news more and more often, I only see him add more troops to Afghanistan and talk about health care, and a few weeks ago he talk about adding more time in school and shortening summer. Isn’t shortening summer a joke, it is heaven to kids. And all of these things almost connected to America, so it isn’t global!!!
A year ago America had a president that we aren’t so proud of today, since he couldn’t run again for president, America had high hopes for a new and improve leader to show them to light. Obama then started his way towards the noble peace prize since then. His word inspired America to choice him to be the new leader. We had high hopes back then, and he destroy one fourth of them. That doesn’t deserve the Noble Peace Prize!
Someone like last year should have got it. I mean, he started a company that helps some other thing or that is what I heard. Or a better one is those three guys or all of them who is from Invisible Children. They travel around places to tell kids and adults to help them get children soldiers back home. And a lot of people want Obama to go rescue them.
Some people like Obama though. They think Obama is an honor to have him, And the people of this noble nation is be proud of him. But in this case of my point of view I would throw tomatoes at him, and I bet you other people will throw tomatoes too. I will try to smash the tomato into his face and into his trophy that someone else should have got.
This past weekend on October 3rd I got confirm. For you who don’t it is the third step in the christen religion. There is seven steps to the religion, but I am not going to bored you with that because the description is very long. But I will tell you some steps and how it was like getting confirmed.
The first step for getting ‘confirm’, you have to get baptize and have confirmation.
The next step is to go to school. It is not like school where you have to sit there and learn almost nothing for seven hours, you go to the church and someone tells you all about the saints and how to saw prayers, and learn about Jesus and god for about one hour and fifteen minutes. As a kid I loved going there but as I grew up it was getting a little bit boring. But it isn’t long like school!!!
The third step is to do some community work, you know, fish fries, gathering you clothe and food to send to the poor, and also soup kitchens (cooking and also serving for the poor). One time at the soup kitchen there was a fight and they almost had to send us to a different room.
Then finally the step is an interview with Mr. Conrad.
Being confirm have a lot of responsibilities, but I only hold a few, I don’t think they kick in until I am in college or when I am married. Anyway, the kids who were being confirmed were huge!!! There was maybe 30 to 50 kids there. I was in the middle and it felt like forever getting confirm. I sat next to most of my friends at church. Their names were Brandon Main, Brandon Martian, and Jennie (my sister) and I couldn’t sit next to Melisa.
My sponsor was my mom. Is wearing a suit when I was wearing a polka dotted bluish brown dress. The church was big. They open up there other section so I guessed that is what made it so huge. There was this old guy who ashy made this church and confirmed my mom.
It was a two hour event that changes my life and others. I will miss some of my friends that I have made there that doesn’t go to Stevenson. I am happy to be closer to my god, and Jesus Christ.
Lying under a new polka dot bed cover at 5:42, I feel the frosty breeze that is coming through the window. I am so tried because I only got four hours of sleep. I’m looking at the stars on the ceiling. I remembered when we put up the stars when I was a little girl, and after that I also remembered how much fun I had when I was little. I am scared to get out and get ready for school. I had a great time this summer and I didn’t want it to end. This summer I traveled in Europe again, went to a fake wedding (they didn’t get married and they moved far away from each other a week later), and went to a real wedding for another relative.
As much as I didn’t want to get up, it was six, what a bummer. As I walked into the bright light in the kitchen, I could smell my mom sandwiches and hear Ginger (my puppy), banging the old rug on the floor. I saw all my sisters sitting on the floor or on a chair. My little sister, Kristen, was all ready for her school which she doesn’t have to go on the bus until 8:15. I said good morning to everyone and ask Kristen “why are you up this early and ready for school?” She said “I wanted to say good bye to you”. I gave her a smile and hugged her. Then I sat down to eat my breakfast, Cheerios in milk. When I got done I put my bowl in the sink and went to my bedroom to get changed.
Over the summer I bought a lot of new clothes. I was so confused on what to wear. On the first day on high school you got to wear something to stand out. I was thinking my blue plaid shirt or my brown and light blue swirly shirt. I tried both of them on, I thought that the blue plaid shirt made me look like I gain a few pounds over the summer (which I only gained 1pound), so I went with the light blue swirly shirt. It is cute yet, fashionable.
Going across the hall to the bathroom, everyone is in a rush. In the bathroom it feels like a matter of life or death. Brushing my teeth I wonder how I will do my hair. Then I came up with the most brilliant idea. I would put it up in a princess (kind of ¼ of a pony tail). I spit out the germs and I grab a brush. After I finish my hair I put on a little bit of hair spray because my hair was curly.My hair was perfect. I loved it, I could get married to it if I could, but I would need to put on some perfume because boy, it does stink.
Admiring my hair I forgot it is time to go. I grab my ‘love, laugh, live’ bag of folders and my lunch. I quickly hugged everyone good-bye and they said “everything is going to be great Julie”. And with those last words from my family I was off to my sisters who already started to walk towards the bus stop.
Walking down the sidewalks the light of the moon glows upon us. It makes it a little bit spooky but I wasn’t scared. I’m more on focused on school and the blood sucking mosquitoes. As we wait at the bus stop, a little figure came out of nowhere and starts talking to us. It wasn’t a monster or a vampire, it was my sister Kristen’s best friend, Meghan. She was talking about school and how exciting it is. I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit because some other kid is there too. After a minute or two I sent her back in. And then something bright stings our eyes.
A is for apples, but not any apples, Fall Apples!!! I love fall apples. In the fall the one thing that I can’t stop eating is apples! I could eat apple pie, apple dumplings, apple cider. But besides fall I
really don’t eat apples unless they are green.
B is for bees. I hate bees, if I see a bee I get terrified hat bees. I can’t get near them because they sting me. The bees are like I love you; let me kill myself for you. But this year I seem to like them more often, especially after my trip to Netherlands and Germany. I think that is because bees don’t sting you there.
C is for creative. I am a very creative person. I enter into a creative contests and won fourth and 3 first places. I am also a creative drawler. I hope one day to be an author one day. But I want to be an author when I am still young too.
D is for dad. I love my dad. He just turned fifty this past May. And also he is my old soccer coach. He is a teacher at Wayne State University. So he treats me kind of one of his students. My dad is really protective of me and my sisters, but I love him anyway.
E is for elephants. I love elephants. If there one pet I want instead of a puppy it is an elephant. I could ride on top of it and feed it peanuts and fly on it like Dumbo. Or I could be the next ‘George of the jungle’ and the elephant can act like a dog and also I could talk to animals I always wanted to do that.
F is for family. I am a family girl, I love my family. My family is the most presences thing in the whole world to me. Even if they are rude or they fight I tried to make a joke or kept quiet until they calm down. They we go out for ice cream which is really fun.
G is for Gatorade. I drink Gatorade at soccer games, bond fire, and also any time I could get my hands on them. Another reason why is because my mom and dad doesn’t let me drink caffeine. And Gatorade tastes so good.
H is for happy. My family is often happy. I also really happy to go to school to my friends, and also some me time. I also am so happy by Christmas or some other holiday. Time away from homework is a major must to do.
J is for Jennie. Jennie is my twin sister. She is two minutes ahead of me but I fell older since I get harder teachers and better grades. She doesn’t like looking alike so I always have to change my clothes in the morning. Jennie and I have telepathic feelings with each other in some way in another, which is so cool when it happens.
K is for Kristen. Kristen is my little sister. He is four years younger than me. She will agree with anything that you want to do (but not stupid stuff). She is a flow going girl. If you are friends with her you found a friend for life.
L is for Lauren. Lauren is my 2 year older sister. She will be on your side if you get in a fight, and she makes living fun. She tells jokes and crazy stores that are so funny. Even though sometimes she might be a jerk, I still love her as my older sister.
M is for mom. My mom is the best caring and also the best mom in the world. If you have seen ‘Gilmore Girls’ you will know how tight we are. She listens to my problems and helps me though school. And reminds me every day not to turn gothic or go back into my depression.
N is for noodles. My dad likes making noodles or I think he only knows how to make them. A few years ago he only makes noodles. And his excuse and also a very good one is “they are very good for you when he play soccer” and I look it up in the internet and he is right.
O is for o-boy. My family uses that word for laughter and also when someone is really anger at another. And we also like using it as fun. My dad uses it a lot because I have no brothers and he was wishing for a boy.
P is for puppies. I love puppies and puppies love me too. One time I went to this shelter and all the puppies and older dogs came up to me and start licking me, I am a puppy magnet I guest. I also have this teen dog; but she isn’t a puppy any more but defiantly not an adult.
Q is for quack. Quack is used for many things. Like on my little sister Webkinz game there is doctor quack. And also a duck says quack, I found that always unusual. I thought that they would say something different like cak.
R is for ring. What better way is there than a ring to a girl. A ring means a lot of things to a girl, I can tell you that. It is a great accessory and girls love them, did I tell you that. And if boys wear rings there is a different story to tell.
S is for soccer. I love playing soccer, it is good for you but it is fun that can challenge yourself to be good. Right now my team is in third place right now. And when I was little my team came in first place for five years in a row. It was cool but I didn’t like the people on my team instead of My-My (you say it like Me-Me)
T is for twins. As you read earlier I am and twin. And if you are thinking or wishing to be a twin, you are so wrong. I want to be an individual. It sucks being a twin. But then we like being a twin then you can fool people. It is the only fun thing about being a twin (Don’t ask to be a twin).
U is for unicorn. Unicorn is so for girls and babies. Unicorns are stupid and pink! I hate the color pink. It might look good on you but for anything else, yuck. So if you think about putting pink on me , you are in trouble.
V is for Viking. I like Vikings. They are tall and strong. And they travel all over the world in boats (which I do travel all over the world but not in boats).Girls from this generation will probly fall head over heels if they didn’t have beards. Beards are just degusting.
W is for websites. This website is so cool! I rarely go on different websites that my mom or dad doesn’t approve of, but if I do I would get yelled and get send to bed early. Websites are so in this generation. I going to make a website soon to but I don’t know what to call it.
X is for x-ray. I know everyone maybe is going to uses this word but this time… it is the same. I don’t really using x words and this is what I could only think of. But it is cool looking at your x-ray. And thought my years at the doctor and dentist(I used to have braces) I seen a lot of them
Y is for yellow. I like the color yellow. My sister ague over the color yellow because the send us color code clothing and items because we see them maybe twice or once out of two years. And I like the color yellow because it is bright and colorful.
Z is for zebra. I think zebras are unique because they are different kind of stripes. But in the herd of zebras you couldn’t tell the difference. This past summer I broke my mom’s finger by playing soccer with her. And her broking finger she called is frank. And when we went to the zoo she dresses him up as a zebra so I find that funny.
High school sucks! I wake up at 6:15 and do my hair, brush my teeth, pack my lunch , grab my I-pod which is 3 years old. Then I get kick out of the do to wait for about 15 minutes for the bus because my older sister doesn’t want to miss the bus. After I get on the bus I play my I-pod staring out the bus thinking “why is my life complicating.” After I get of my bus I go straight my locker and the day keeps on getting worst.
In my first hour I have all my friends, but the hour is usually boring because we do one thing for 15 days straight. In my second hour this weird lady comes up and starts talking to me about stuff that I don’t know about it. In my third hour my teacher is talking and banging my desk for no reason why and then shove all my books off! In my fourth hour class makes no sense to me. In the middle of fourth hour we have lunch. Fifth hour I am really smart and this kid behind me keeps asking for my notes. In my sixth hour, I have a weird teacher. He says “groove” and he has bad poof brown curly hair and wears a science coat. And he doesn’t talk in sentences.
After my six hour I run to my locker and put the books that I didn’t need. I bring out my I-pod and listen to it. I get on my bus which is usually the first and it leaves with-in ten minutes when the bell rings. Sitting by myself I calm down from the stress full day. Then at my stop my sisters start to talk to me about my day which I usually say “good” and then play my I-pod louder.