I love Halloween!!! Even though I don’t have any good costumes I still love it!!!
You get free candy, and I love candy. If there is one thing I love is candy. My mom and dad though don’t want me to eat any because they think it is too unhealthy to eat, even though they eat half of it.
Every Halloween to me is special to me. Last year I went to my friend’s house to go trick or treating and there was a crazy old lady at one of her houses. And each year my neighbors give my sisters and me something special. One gives us a bag of candy (the big kind), another gives us 30 bucks, and another gives us some cool stuff, like one year they give us some cool cups. I but last year’s my sisters told me that one house the trick or treat past everyone a bible. And I didn’t but I didn’t believe them but then they showed it to me it is crazy. But you better watch out in my neighborhood because there are people who will hurt you, but most of the time they stay at Hoover.
This year I am being a rainbow weather girl because my mother won’t give us money to buy us any new costumes, which I don’t know why because we barley buy any new costumes anyway. And my other sisters are being classic or just weird like mine. Kristen is being little red riding hood, Lauren is being a ghost, and jenny is being a frantic wife, which mean a old lady in a bathroom yelling at her husband(in this case us) to get or lazy butts moving. And this year one of my favorite’s cousins, Wendy is coming over to trick or treat with us, but I don’t know what she is going to be.
To night there are going to be a lot of activities in the Engels household. Lauren is going to a party; Jennie is maybe going with her Leen to going spook someone’s house, and I volunteering my time to help serve the fall festival at an elementary school. And Kristen is going to hang out with my mom. And this weekend I have homework in Mrs. Begeski class and Mr. fielders class so far. I am so tried right now so I hope that you will have a great weekend and have a spooky Halloween.
Sounds like a fun holiday at your house. My parents never buy me a costure either.