Lying under a new polka dot bed cover at 5:42, I feel the frosty breeze that is coming through the window. I am so tried because I only got four hours of sleep. I’m looking at the stars on the ceiling. I remembered when we put up the stars when I was a little girl, and after that I also remembered how much fun I had when I was little. I am scared to get out and get ready for school. I had a great time this summer and I didn’t want it to end. This summer I traveled in Europe again, went to a fake wedding (they didn’t get married and they moved far away from each other a week later), and went to a real wedding for another relative.
As much as I didn’t want to get up, it was six, what a bummer. As I walked into the bright light in the kitchen, I could smell my mom sandwiches and hear Ginger (my puppy), banging the old rug on the floor. I saw all my sisters sitting on the floor or on a chair. My little sister, Kristen, was all ready for her school which she doesn’t have to go on the bus until 8:15. I said good morning to everyone and ask Kristen “why are you up this early and ready for school?” She said “I wanted to say good bye to you”. I gave her a smile and hugged her. Then I sat down to eat my breakfast, Cheerios in milk. When I got done I put my bowl in the sink and went to my bedroom to get changed.
Over the summer I bought a lot of new clothes. I was so confused on what to wear. On the first day on high school you got to wear something to stand out. I was thinking my blue plaid shirt or my brown and light blue swirly shirt. I tried both of them on, I thought that the blue plaid shirt made me look like I gain a few pounds over the summer (which I only gained 1pound), so I went with the light blue swirly shirt. It is cute yet, fashionable.
Going across the hall to the bathroom, everyone is in a rush. In the bathroom it feels like a matter of life or death. Brushing my teeth I wonder how I will do my hair. Then I came up with the most brilliant idea. I would put it up in a princess (kind of ¼ of a pony tail). I spit out the germs and I grab a brush. After I finish my hair I put on a little bit of hair spray because my hair was curly.My hair was perfect. I loved it, I could get married to it if I could, but I would need to put on some perfume because boy, it does stink.
Admiring my hair I forgot it is time to go. I grab my ‘love, laugh, live’ bag of folders and my lunch. I quickly hugged everyone good-bye and they said “everything is going to be great Julie”. And with those last words from my family I was off to my sisters who already started to walk towards the bus stop.
Walking down the sidewalks the light of the moon glows upon us. It makes it a little bit spooky but I wasn’t scared. I’m more on focused on school and the blood sucking mosquitoes. As we wait at the bus stop, a little figure came out of nowhere and starts talking to us. It wasn’t a monster or a vampire, it was my sister Kristen’s best friend, Meghan. She was talking about school and how exciting it is. I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit because some other kid is there too. After a minute or two I sent her back in. And then something bright stings our
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