Thursday, October 8, 2009


This past weekend on October 3rd I got confirm. For you who don’t it is the third step in the christen religion. There is seven steps to the religion, but I am not going to bored you with that because the description is very long. But I will tell you some steps and how it was like getting confirmed.

The first step for getting ‘confirm’, you have to get baptize and have confirmation.

The next step is to go to school. It is not like school where you have to sit there and learn almost nothing for seven hours, you go to the church and someone tells you all about the saints and how to saw prayers, and learn about Jesus and god for about one hour and fifteen minutes. As a kid I loved going there but as I grew up it was getting a little bit boring. But it isn’t long like school!!!

The third step is to do some community work, you know, fish fries, gathering you clothe and food to send to the poor, and also soup kitchens (cooking and also serving for the poor). One time at the soup kitchen there was a fight and they almost had to send us to a different room.

Then finally the step is an interview with Mr. Conrad.

Being confirm have a lot of responsibilities, but I only hold a few, I don’t think they kick in until I am in college or when I am married. Anyway, the kids who were being confirmed were huge!!! There was maybe 30 to 50 kids there. I was in the middle and it felt like forever getting confirm. I sat next to most of my friends at church. Their names were Brandon Main, Brandon Martian, and Jennie (my sister) and I couldn’t sit next to Melisa.

My sponsor was my mom. Is wearing a suit when I was wearing a polka dotted bluish brown dress. The church was big. They open up there other section so I guessed that is what made it so huge. There was this old guy who ashy made this church and confirmed my mom.

It was a two hour event that changes my life and others. I will miss some of my friends that I have made there that doesn’t go to Stevenson. I am happy to be closer to my god, and Jesus Christ.

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